An outline for making a great video

The need for video content in digital marketing keeps growing and growing. But, how to make sure that your video content not only addresses your audience’s needs, but also has a strong call to action?

Just remember to keep things simple and ask, Who, What, Where, Why, and How?

Here are my tips on using simple questions to make great video content.

Part 1: Introduction

Who: Tell people who you are and why you have authority on speaking about the given topic

What: What are you going to be talking about–include main discussion points

Why: Explain the importance of the topic/explain how you will help solve your audience’s questions or problems

Where & How: The video itself

Part 2: Discussion

Begin with the first point of discussion and continue on until all points are presented

Part 3: Summarize

Recap the main topic and its importance: What

Provide key takeaways and show how your topics of discussion help solve your audience’s questions or problems: Why

Part 4: Conclusion

Remind the audience your name and authority on the subject: Who

If additional resources are available (website, whitepaper, trial download), provide those call to actions: Where

Let the audience know how they can contact you for more information: How


So, the next time you get stuck in the outline stage for your next video, remember, it’s as simple as Who, What, Where, Why and How.