New found passion for an old hobby
The past few months were interesting: Sheltering in place, changing how I shopped for groceries, and finding new ways to entertain myself at home. But, one thing I didn’t expect during the quarantine was how much I missed being in nature.
Do I regularly go camping or overnight hiking? No.
Do I love just staring off into nature as I am walking along a path. Yes.
So, the lack of greenery in my day to day reignited a old hobby of mine, plants!
I’ve had a grape ivy plant since I was in high school. That plant has traveled with me to 5 different homes and still hasn’t died, magically.
Meanwhile, I have loved any succulents I’ve acquired over the years to a over-watered death. Succulents are hard to kill my left foot!
Anyways, I’ve loved taking care of that ivy and the myriad of other plants that have come and gone. And, it wasn’t until everyone was asked to stay home that I realized that I needed more green in my life. I needed more plants.
After acquiring some freebies, my indoor garden grew from just a few pots to 3 inside (yes, including that ivy that won’t die) and 4 pots outside, and even one plant in the bedroom.
It’s so nice to have a soothing plant to look at in whatever room I am in at home. Plus, having something to take care for and have a end goal, for the plants to grow bigger, was and is very grounding given the recent chaos.
Having a routine of every X number of days I water these plants and check up on the others and trim a plant or two is somehow so comforting and rewarding.
I would have never guessed the extra time spent at home in the recent months would yield anything this positive. But, I am glad that I had that extra time, because I got to rekindle my old hobby and rediscover my love of taking care of plants.